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Creature Presents: Jhanka Gonzalez 'CRIATURAS' Video Part

The Fiends give us a little taste before Jhanka Gonzalez closes the curtains. Uh, yeah! Watch this part.

The Fiends provide once again. Whether you know of Jhanka Gonzalez or not is hardly important. This dude is literally a beast on the board. No terrain is safe and nothing I can say will give justice to the NBDs and heavy hammers this maniac just dropped in his new Creature part. 

Cody Lockwood, Chris Russell, John Worthington, Willis Kimbel, Milton Martinez, Kevin Bækkel, David Gravette, Collin Provost and Peter Raffin give us a little taste here before Jhanka closes the curtains. Uhhhh....yeah! Settle in and prepare yourself for 10 minutes of heat. Press play:

"It's no secret that Jhanka has been on an absolute warpath with any and all terrain that crosses him," Creature mentioned in the description. Nineteen words that say more than enough. 

Every once in a while, dudes like Jhanka sort of come out of nowhere. In fairness, he's been around, but sometimes it takes a full part to remind us all just how gnarly someone truly is—this is a perfect example.

The Creature team is stacked. You don't need me to tell you that. They genuinely set the tone for this entire video, but damn, Jhanka came out swinging! From start to finish, we're truly hit with nonstop bangers. 

And without spoiling too much, his last few tricks are pretty unbelievable. 

I usually like to blabber on, but I'm just gonna leave this one here. Press play and get stoked. Yeah, Jhanka! 

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